About us

Our Products

Our dedication to making high quality, hand-made artisanal products was born out of pure need. We searched in vain for best products that were formulated with integrity, that were effective and luxurious, and that used the best quality plant-based raw materials with no harmful substances, and yet were affordable to all.  This was the catalyst that led to Blue Bay Botanical.  

At Blue Bay Botanical, we believe in the right to have excellent quality all-natural products that are based on science, happiness, joy, and common sense - but without the exorbitant price tag. These are the products we wanted for ourselves; always natural, safe, effective and luxurious; that include raw materials with only ingredients that matter; never compromising on quality, science, or enjoyment; and that are good for the planet.


The best interest of the planet brings us to Bees. We love Bees who give us all plant-based life. We consciously include bee products in many of our recipes, because we simply cannot say enough about the amazing powers of honey and beeswax.  Honey is a natural antibiotic, a skin nutrient, and a powerful humectant that has been used for more than 3000 years, and is even used in modern hospitals to treat burns and scars.  In cosmetics, honey’s many nutrients do wonders for the skin, helping it heal and renew.  The bee population globally is disappearing, and without these fuzzy buzzy polluters, so will all plant life disappear.  We feel strongly that by using bee products, we also support and encourage beekeeping. So really, we support Mother Nature.

Essential Oils vs Fragrance Oils

Essential oils are powerful and effective, and contribute to the efficacy and enjoyment of most of our products. However, we choose essential oils that contribute to the product, are affordable, do not burden the earth, and never contribute to the eradication of a species. We also use high quality synthetic fragrance oils for a few reasons:  we won’t contribute to the destruction of endangered flora or fauna for the sake of essential oils.  For some scents, a synthetic fragrance oil can also be a safer option for several reasons, such as irritation and allergens. All of our fragrance oils are carefully chosen from reputable manufacturers, have been analyzed and approved for safe usage by licensed laboratories, and are carefully calculated in our formulations to conform to regulatory safety limits.  We are fully committed to our customers’ safety.


We believe in investing in the highest quality raw materials for our products, not in wasting money on fancy packaging.  We package all our products in containers that are recyclable or reusable. Although we prefer glass containers, sometimes plastic makes more sense for a specific product.  Then we will choose a healthy and 100% recyclable option from plastics. You will find we alter our packaging from time to time in our continuing efforts to improve our environmental conservation and in reducing our load on the earth.

We also recycle shipping materials and always choose materials that are biodegradable, compostable, recyclable, or reusable when possible. That also means that we package our shipped orders in clean but used boxes and padding, when available, and often recycle other packaging, such as bags. In all our raw material procurement and in our manufacturing process, we focus on environmental health without compromising on safety or quality.